February 22, 2018

Cooking Mixed Greens with Apples

If you’re like me you are always needing a quick healthy meal.  This is one of my go to’s that is actually more steps than a […]
February 14, 2018

Zuppa Toscano Soup

Soup Ingredients 1 pound Italian Sausage 2 large russet baking potatoes, sliced in half and then in 1/4″ slices 1 large onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, […]
April 17, 2016

Sauteed Greens

A quick, healthy way to cook your greens. Kale, collards, broccoli raab, swiss chard, any kind of greens can be cooked this way.  Baby Greens can […]
November 12, 2015

Mustard Greens & Feta Pie

            Cooking oil spray 1 bundle of mild mustard greens  (Variety that we grow that is very mild) 1 large onion, […]
September 3, 2015

Spinach and Squash Fritters

2-3 squash  (Squash can be cooked and mashed to use, or squash can be cut with a spiral cutter and then cut into short lengths and […]
August 9, 2015

Tropical Fruit Green Smoothie

Basic Tropical Green Smoothie Makes 32 oz, 2 servings Ingredients 2 cups greens fresh (tightly packed) Spinach are your mildest green so I recommend using them […]
July 8, 2015

My Favorite Salad

Salad Ingredients: 1 package Linguine Noodles, cooked, rinsed and cooled 1/2 head sliced Napa Cabbage or more to taste 1/2 head sliced purple cabbage or more […]

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