Powdered Laundry Soap
1 box of washing soda (around 4 lbs.)
1 box Borax (around 4 lbs.)
4 lbs. baking soda
4 bars of Fels-Naptha soap-grated (grates easily but can also be done with grater or food processor)
1 container of Oxy-clean
1 bottle of Purex Crystals for scent and softening (or use Downy unstopables).
Mix it in a large bucket or container. Remove a small amount in a good sealable plastic container to keep by the washer. Put the rest in another sealable container. It will start to clump if it absorbs too much moisture. Still works but have to break it up. Can put some rice in a sock and put in the container to help prevent the clumping. You will still want to use bleach for whites and spray on the heavy stains. Cost is about $25.00 and for a family of five it lasts about 4 months.
Contributed by Joyce Spindler